Tuesday 15 July 2014

Friend (Poke)Ball and Tomorrow's Project!

Good evening, everyone! 

To start, I will ramble a bit. I moving shortly, so I decided now would be a perfect time to go through all my crafting supplies - largely just yarn, plastic canvas, various sheets of felt, some paint and, oddly enough, sewing needles and thread - that's really not my area. 

Anyway, while I was going through my bins of supplies, in some deranged attempt to organize it, I found this:

 If any of you are here because you followed me on Deviantart, you'll know that it's been quite a while since I've made a Pokeball - the main reason is I want to try needle felting the designs on the balls, but that stuff is rather expensive currently and I have yet to learn how to use it. All in due time.

So, I had a pattern saved to crochet little rain drops, but after several failed attempts, I finally said 'screw it'. As I found my sheets of felt, I decided to just be lazy and cut out the rain drop pieces - again, not so easy >.>

After putting far more effort than was probably needed into finishing this Pokeball, I finally ended up with this:

I know, it's not entirely centered - and yes, I crocheted the yellow dot as I lacked yellow felt - but I tried. The glue I was using dried too quick, and left an unsightly stain on the yarn when I tried to fix my mistake. This was the best I could get. Oh well, I still like how it turned out. Practice makes perfect! I will eventually revisit many of the Pokeballs I have made and attempted once I learn the art of needle felting - I'll youtube it eventually.

Other than spending more than an hour trying to finish the Friend Ball, I haven't been up to too much today. I worked on my friends scarf a bit, nearly doubling what I had done yesterday. Take a look:

So, as I was knitting this, I realized that I was a fool yesterday for not measuring my progress in a day. So, I decided to start today - also because I send my friend a picture update at the end of every day, just so she knows I'm working on it for her. :)

I know, I'm a bit of a slow knitter, it took me over an hour to nearly double what I had done yesterday - and no, I will not be attempting to double the length tomorrow! 

I have some plans for what I wish to get up to tomorrow. As I said, I was going through my bins of craft supplies and found some odds and ends of plastic canvas pieces. A bunch of squares that I have no idea what I was going to do with. Then it hit me - or rather, I hit it - A Mario coin block piggy bank! (See what I did there, with that pun? ;D)

Anyway, I was originally thinking of doing it in the classic Mario style, but I realized I don't have the appropriate colours and I really don't want to buy more yarn until I've either sold some projects or used up more of what I have.

So this appearance:

 Instead of this:
Maybe one day, when I have a sufficient amount of funds, I will track down the right colours to make a retro Mario coin block. I have so many ideas on how I want to do this! I can't wait for tomorrow!! I just might start it tonight. Or not, I'm getting a bit sleepy. So, I'll wrap this up and bid you all adieu! Be sure to check back tomorrow for an update on the progress of my projects!

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