Monday 14 July 2014

Angels and Rainbows!

Hey, everyone! I can start off with some good news, I finished the second angel last night, however, it was late and I was too lazy to post about it.

Here it is:

 The lighting in this picture is far from good, despite my best efforts. Even though it was around noon when I took the photo, it seems like it will be a very gloomy day here, today.

I decided it would be nice to pose this one on the stove instead of near the sink, just as a reminder that it can also be used as a pot holder! And for some reason, I just wanted to take a picture of it hanging. 

I think this one turned out much better, especially now that I had practice doing it. See:

I'm still very proud of how both of them turned out. Though, the ball of yarn I used went from this:
 To this:

Not sure what I'm going to do with the left over balls, as they're so tiny. However, I do have a full ball of pink, and one that looks like this - it's called Nautical Twists:

I'm sure I'll figure something out soon enough. If anyone has any ideas, though, I would love to hear it! Sp far I was thinking of just making more angels, but I have nobody to gift them to, and I doubt anybody would want to buy them. Oh well, something crafty will come to me eventually!

Moving on, I started making a boa scarf this morning. This is my progress so far:
I really love how all the colours mess together, and it's different looking on both sides, slightly. Though, knitting isn't my strong point, I have only messed up once. I dropped a stitch somewhere, and I'm not entirely sure how, but it's all good. As this is going to be for one of my best friends, she's confident in my knitting abilities. And naturally, she's lenient on my mistakes, as she knows knitting is something I'm still (re-)learning how to do.

I used to knit a bit when I was younger, but nothing more complicated than what I'm doing now. And it was never very good. I liked crocheting more as a child, though I never stuck to it. It was something I dropped for almost fifteen years. In fact, I stopped crafting all together for that long. But, I've decided to get back into it. Especially now. :)

Anyway, I think that's all I really have to post for now. Be sure to check back often for updates, I forsee that I shall be crafting a lot in the future. :) And don't forget to follow me on Deviantart! -

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