Wednesday 24 September 2014

Progress and a New Style!

So, there hasn't been too much going on this week.

Last week at TADA, I somehow got volunteered to teach the group how to make working paper clocks. Luckily, I managed to talk my way in to making it a Christmas event, meaning I have until December to figure it out. I have a general idea of how I'm going to do it, but need to fine tune it.

But, on to the more important things! My project that I've been slaving over. I'm nearly finished! And I made sure to take lots of progress pictures!

I finally finished this, the body, after so much trial and error - meaning the fail attempt from last weeks post. This little body only took me about five days to do - mostly because my hand was sore from the previous attempt. And from here, it was joyous, I'm most of the way finished!

Then I made this little cuties. No, they're not a single piece. The foot and the leg are two different pieces sewn together. And now, this is where the fun begins!

There is wire in both the legs - my first time using it! Let me tell you, wire makes sewing on the body part sooo much easier. There was next to no effort. <3

I forgot to take pictures of the little circle pieces that go on/above his legs, but they're just a simple, generic circle. Here's a side view of how nice it looks.

I just love how it's turning out so far! Only the upper body left to go!

This is the arm, wire and all! I've been really enjoying working with the wire. I'm sure you wondering about those three tips sticking out. Well, soon you all shall know what I'm working on - if you haven't figured it out already!

These. Are. Annoying. They also hurt my hands - of course, if I stopped for more than a day to rest my hands, they probably wouldn't hurt. I've had to make a few of these. Luckily I got it right the second time I tried making one of these. They go on the three wire pieces coming out of the arm.

Pretty epic, no? I found it was easier to sew the arm to the body first, then attach the green bulbs. Just one arm left to go, and the head piece!

And here is where I'm conflicted. Females have a longer head branch then males. But, I usually prefer my things to be male. I'm thinking, for the sake of my sanity - working with small things is maddening - that I'm going to make this a girl.

I'm hoping to be finished the arm and head piece some time tomorrow. I only have one green bulb left to make, an arm and the head piece. From there, I just have to do the details on the body. Which brings me to my next topic.

I finally invest in this.

Needle felting! I had already tried it out a bit before I thought to take pictures; my excitement got the better of me!

I knew I couldn't try it on my main project, that would just be a silly idea. Then I remember something I made ages ago, but never finished because it was so tiny and I just said screw it. A Kirby!

I don't remember where I got the pattern for it, as it was one of the first things I made when I started crocheting. But, it's tiny, and as no face. Until now!

Well, not really, I got the white of the eyes in, and then while I was trying to do the blue to the eyes, silly me went and broke the needle. D= I had only been working with it for maybe ten minutes before that happened. I'm not surprised, I actually saw it coming, and yet I didn't buy replacement needles when I bought this. -.-

The nice thing, though, is that I had two 40% off one item coupons. So, the needle - which was expensive - was no longer so pricey. And I used the other coupon on one of the roving felt kits. Even more good news, I have another two 40% off coupons! I just can't use them until the 25th - tomorrow. That is when I shall go out and replace my needles. No point today, as I don't need them yet. :)

But, that I all I have to post about for today! I just figured I should because it had been almost a week! I'll be back in a few days with more things to talk about! And hopefully more crafts finished. <3

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