Friday 5 September 2014

Paintings, Blankets, and More!

I think I shall start off with what I was up to today. This morning I decided to make a special appearance at an art group I helped found and name over two years ago - live got in the way in that time and I had to stop going for quite a while.

I got the idea to show up from running in to another founder of the group - there are three of us, Michele and Sally are the other two - the other day. It had been a while since I'd seen them, and I heard that Michele was leaving the city within the next week or so - of course I had to go!

The group is located at a mental health section of a clinic in the north end of my city. It was founded on the premise that art is a good way to help ease depression and anxiety - I used to co-host depression/anxiety groups for almost two years. The three of us banded together, with the blessing of the clinic to create TADA


Named by yours truly. :)

Anyway, I went today, and it was fantastic. It has expanded so much since I last went, I barely recognized any of the people there. Michele and Sally gave me a formal and heart warming introduction as the girl who inspired, helped create and name the group. I haven't felt my face turn red is such a long time. However, following that announcement, it was said that Michele - the woman that kept the entire group function - would be leaving and needed someone to fill her place - all eyes on me.

I have been considering the idea, but it's a lot of responsibility. It's not the I don't want to, it's just that I don't think I could. Michele was a liaison between the group and clinic, planned majority of the art classes, did the accounting, sent out reminder emails, set up guest speakers and just all around kept the group strong and happy. I would love to fall back in to being a host, but I'm not sure I'm ready. After a couple of years of rough times, I'm slowly starting to get my own life back together, I'm not sure if I could assist others in remaining happy and confident in life.

Though, I will continue to attend and help where I can. But, with the baby coming, it would be too much, I think. But I love the idea of getting back in to art. :)

This is what we did today.

Michele had the group choose a picture of a fish - she had a bunch of printouts. She made each of us draw our fish on to a thick paper - let me tell you, it's been years since I've picked up something and drawn, but I didn't do too shabby! From there, she made us outline the colours we wanted to use in crayon, as you can see in my picture. This is the reason for it.

The crayon creates a waterproof barrier between the paper and paint. It makes the edging that we outlined really stand out. I used a white crayon to make the little bubbles you see. Also, you can't see it in the picture, however, all but the face and fins are done in a subtle glitter paint - I haven't painted in longer than I haven't drawn!

I had considered drawing out some seaweed or coral, but I really didn't feel confident enough to attempt such a task, so I just painted a blue background. This is the end result.

I rather like it. It's not too bad for doing something artsy for the first time in about two and a half years - maybe one day, I'll look through my photos and see if I still have copies of stuff that I used to draw, some of it is on my DeviantArt, but not much.

You can check it out here:

A lot of it was before I really got in to drawing. And as you can see, none of it is my own work - I can't draw without looking at something. Need to see the picture in order to put it on paper. I know, I fail as a drawer, but oh well. :)

Here is what Michele and Sally decided to do with everybody's finished work.

I think it's pretty cool. Michele called the art lesson "Aquarium", clever, eh?

Anyway, the art group is every two weeks, however the group meets up every week. On the weeks it's not art, it's EDIAGD - Every Day is a Good Day. It's part of the depression/anxiety group, it's something the people can go to in order to continue the healing. Sally is the founder of this, and runs it. Basically, you just go, talk about things that make you feel happy, and good - just hang out and socialize, really. It's fun, and relaxing. It's a nice getaway. As I've stated before - I have first hand experience with battling depression (and anxiety).

There is a third group that goes on, every Sunday, in the morning - Art in the Park. Michele and Sally started this as I was diving in to my own problems and started to leave TADA. It's a brilliant idea, I've been once before, ages ago. The group just gets together in the nearby park and just draws. Anything. Nothing special. Could be the sky, the trees, the grass, something make belief, anything at all. But, that might be something I'd consider going to. I just need to find out the times.

However, next week is Michele's -surprise - going away gather - she hates the word party, she doesn't like parties, at all. After she left today the rest of the group started planning it all out. Sally - who works at a grocery store in the West End - is going to be getting a cake, as she gets a discount. The rest of us all pitched in what we could to get Michele a going away gift card to Curry's - an art store. I felt a little bad that I didn't have much money on me - I usually don't carry cash - but I pitched in what I had. :) So, I'm pretty excited for next week.

Now, I bet you're all wondering how that ultrasound of mine went last week. Well, let me tell you, it was pretty amazing! There was a minor complication, the baby didn't want to face the right way for a while. First the baby was facing my spine, all snuggled in to momma! Then, the baby turned the right way, but wouldn't let the technician get a clear view of the face. But, in the end, we got it.

Noticed how I haven't said the gender yet? Well, let me tell you something. I called it. For almost three weeks before the ultrasound, I just had a gut feeling about the gender, no idea why, my head just kept telling me what it was, pure confidence, no hesitation. I was right. And it sure made Alex one happy Daddy! It's a boy! I've never seen Alex look so purely, openly and truly happy. His face lit up, it was like the planets aligned for him and for the moment, he felt as truly happy as a human being could possibly feel. He glowed, he beamed, he was giddy. He held my hand and just couldn't stop grinning like a loon. He always told me he wanted a son, more than anything, a son to raise, to teach, to love and hold. I know he would have been happy if it was a girl, but I know this means the world to him.

And yes, we already have a name picked out - we had a name for a boy and a girl. Our baby boy will be called Killian. Killian Alexander Hare. Flows together nicely, eh? Ten points to those that get the name reference. :)

Oh, so I have finally gotten around to stuffing the pillows, see!

I've explained four out of five of these pillows in a previous post. The green pillow I did not do, nor did my friend Amy. A girl I used to know did it for me - it's where I got the idea. It's still my shirt, she just made it in to a pillow. And I do appreciate that she did that, especially because I would have never thought of it on my own. Because of her ingenious idea, I now have ways to preserve my shirts. :) 

However, there is no zipper installed on this one. So, the stuffing is stuck in, and is in real need of a fixing up. Alex kept sitting on it without realizing it and kind of flattened it. >.> I want to put a zipper in, but I'm not sure I have the heart to change anything on it. I don't talk to her anymore, but I did appreciate the friendship while it was there. But, not much to be done about that, I suppose...

In other news. I have started that other baby blanket I wanted to make. At first, it was a toss up between these two colours.

Naturally I opted for the blue, it's just such a nice colour! It's very vibrant. And the yarn is so soft! It's Charisma. I love the feel of it.

So, the pattern called for this much.

But, I only ended up needing three balls. I'm still not fully finished - I've got maybe two rows left, but I've been getting distracted by everything - it's a very..tedious and monotonous pattern. But, I've been working on it since last Sunday. Here are my progress pictures - I didn't take as many as I probably could have, but I didn't see the point with this.

This is the point where the pattern really starts to show itself, and a perfect capture of the blue. 

From this point on, it just reminds me of cake. Well, right now, a rug, because of the yarn ends - you have to change colour every row, it was a bit annoying, but oh well. Here is the pattern - it's a downloadable PDF (mine was on a label that I bought, though):

See, doesn't it just look like one giant cake?! At this point, I'm most of the way finished. I'll probably sit down and do the last couple of rows tonight. And after that, start on a new commission from Amber.

Amber wants me to make her a wall hang with the Robin Williams quote "You're only given one little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it." So, I'm pretty excited to start that, a nice break from crocheting. :)

But, after that, I have a new project in mind. I shan't say just yet. But, I shall let you all know, it involves more FUZZY YARN!! I have a very love hate relationship with it. Emphasis on the hate. But, I can't resist using it, especially when it's just so perfect. And soft.

And speaking of yarn. I was talking to a lady in the TADA group while I was there. She's moving soon and wants to be rid of a lot of things she's not using anymore. Yarn, she has a bunch of yarn. And pattern books. She said that because I'm pregnant and able to use it, she's willing to just give it to me. Only thing is I have to go pick it up. And send her an email to let her know I'm serious about it. I feel so grateful already and I haven't even received anything yet. I think I might send her that email when I'm finished blogging. Which would be now, as I am out of things to say. :)

Hopefully I'll have more to post in a few days!

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