Friday 8 August 2014

One Bookend and One Scarf

I shall start off by openly admitting that I've been slacking the last day or so in finishing these Mario Stairs. However, I have gotten far enough to say that I only need to add the bottom panel to one of the two. :)

Here are both stairs nearly complete. It took a while, but it's slowly getting there. 

I found it much easier to connect all the stair pieces the second time around with the method I used of attaching to both side panels at the same time. The only thing that took a while was human error on my part - I cut out a piece, stitched everything on and attached it half way before I realized that it wasn't the right size. I ended up putting down the project for half a day, deciding I just needed a break from it.

However, at that point, I was nearly finished anyway. Today all I had to do was make this:

This took me a while to do, it wasn't difficult at all, just time consuming. About an hour and a half, two hours to complete - given, I was texting with a friend while I was doing it. I decided - once again - to use a new stitch I learned from the wonderful book I purchased from Etsy. This is called the "double brick" stitch, I don't think I need to explain why. 

I decided to make the entire panel brown - I was originally thinking of making the last ten rows green, to match the pipe - because after looking back at my picture of reference (a screenshot of the end of level) I noticed that the pipe doesn't down underground as it does in some of the newer games. 

Anyway, from finishing that, it lead to me this:

This is what it looks like from the back. I rather like it.

Here is a bit of an angled side view - sorry for the dimness of the picture, it's dark out and that's the best light my bedroom had, I was too lazy to go somewhere else.

A very nice side view of the completed bookend. 

So, hopefully tomorrow I will get my butt in gear and finish the bottom panel and attach it to the other set of stairs, then I can take good pictures of it holding up books! 

Moving on.

Today has been pretty busy for me - I had a bunch of running around to do, which led to me popping into the craft store again. I didn't get much. However, I did stumble across this:

I just couldn't resist, I had to have it! So, I did. I'm excited to get to making it. However, the pattern calls for knitting, but, it's nothing fancy, just basic, simple, straightforward knitting. I think I can manage that - I hope. 

But, this is a project that I'm going to have to show some self-restraint on and wait. I still need to finish the other bookend. And I'm still slowly working on that scarf for my friend - I've let her know I've been neglectful of it. I think I'll be able to work on it easier when she comes to visit me - we live in different cities. 

Also, I want to work with the yarn that I purchased the other day, in fact, I have already started!

I worked on this on the bus ride to and from the comic book store - and at it! The slip says the colour is Lava Red. 

I don't know why, but I'm absolutely in love with these scarves and I can't wait to make the rest of them! I'm just glad that it doesn't take too, too long to make.

Once again, these awesome fellas shall be for sale - $15 each (plus shipping!) - for anybody that is interested. I will also be posting them on my DeviantArt.

Feel free to peruse my account - there is so much more posted there that isn't on here, mostly because a lot of it was posted long before I even started this. I think eventually I might make a couple of posts containing stuff I've already made, either has a reference to something I want to do, a comparison, or just straight-up a "flashback" post.

Oh well, we'll see what the future holds.

I'm hoping that by the end of tomorrow I will have finished the bookend, and maybe another scarf - or two!!

Until then.

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