Monday 6 October 2014

Results and Pumpkins!

So, it's been just over a week since my last post - oops. But, here I am!

I'm sure some of you are wondering how I did in the Amigurumi-Challenge. Well, I didn't get first. I lost to an amazingly done fairy! I'm not complaining, it was so good, they deserved first! However, I did win the random feature draw, so that was pretty cool! My Sudowoodo and three of my other works - chosen at random - where featured in the journal announcing the winner.

Pretty cool, huh? I told you that fairy was amazing.

Anyway, after I finished Sudowoodo, I started working on that project I was talking about, the with fuzzy brown yarn. I got maybe one third of the way finished the body when Amigurumi-Challenge announced it's next theme - PUMPKINS!

So, as I'm sure more of you know by now, I dropped what I was doing, and started working on that. Hehe.

Now, I'm not going to reveal exactly what I'm making, but it's obviously pumpkin themed. ;D And today I realized that I don't have the right colour of brown I need to finish this project. I really don't want to travel all the way to the craft store that I usually go to, not for one ball of yarn. However, there are a couple of stores near me that sell yarn, just not much of it. I might take a gander at those and see what I can find. If nothing, I will have to take the horrible bus ride - it's the only bus in the city I dislike, well, everyone dislikes it, except for the people on it that make it dislikeable.

Oh, I forgot to mention, I also made a hat, but I really like it. I have a stash of Red Heart with Wool that Alex's parents bought be back in Febuary, I haven't really used it. I don't think I like working with it too much. It's soft and everything, but it's..not nice looking when you've finished a project with it. Like, I kind of like the style of the hat - I tried my hand at a cloche - and I like the colour I used, I just don't like the overall finished look. I really think I'm just so used to working with acrylic yarn and tight stitches that doing anything else just doesn't seem right.

But, after a bit of debating, I shall share the hat - just probably won't ever post it to my DeviantArt.

I dunno. Maybe I'm just being picky and critical of myself. But, I don't think I'll be trying to make a hat again any time soon. Now I just need to find something to use up all the wool-like yarn with. I'm sure something will come to me eventually.

Anyway, I should be back within the week with more to post about! Until then!

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