Wednesday 29 October 2014

A completed project after much delay

Hey, everyone. It's been a while since I've posted - three weeks, wow! I will be perfectly honest by saying that it's been a bit of a rough month for me. I've been having off and on bouts of depression - I really think the season/weather change is just messing with me; this happens every year, though.

On the bright side, I've received a bunch of baby stuff over the last week or so. My boyfriends parents bought us a crib and change table, which we set up immediately! And my aunt drove all the way down here - it's about four-five hours away - just to bring me some stuff.

She brought my a bassinet with stand, a baby bath, a toddler stroller and a bunch of clothes and bedding. She also brought with her a small box of baby stuff from my grandmother and a giant box of clothes and various other baby things from my other aunt.

Receiving all these things was a giant weight off my shoulders. Now, all I just need is the baby's dresser and I can really start getting things organized, especially after the baby shower, which is in four weeks today. :)

So, anyway, after much delay, I finally finished the project with the pumpkin I had been working on last time I posted. There was about a week or so where I was pretty much a few pieces away from being finished; I just couldn't bring myself to sit down and do so. But, if you follow my Deviantart at all, you'll see I've made progress.

This part was interesting to do, I've never really done a piece quite like that before. 

Some progress here. Each little spike piece is done individually and sewn on. As for the top curl, well, that took me a day or so to really figure out and settle on a design I liked best. There were mnay failed attempts at this before I decided to just go with something rather simple. There is also several pieces of pipe cleaner to help hold its shape.

Here is the body completely finished.

And now, a few of angle pictures of the completed project!

Isn't he adorable?! He'll be entered in the Amigurumi-Challenge and the Knit-and-Crochet contest on Deviantart.

Oh, and in case anybody is wondering, that is Buddy in the background. He had been neutered the day before, and thus was stuck in the cone of shame. He's out of it now and doing pretty good, hyper as ever, even just after we brought him home. There is something seriously wrong with my cats. When they should be dopey and lethargic, they're wired and bouncing off the walls.

Anyway, I have written out the pattern for this guy, too. I think I'm going to be sprucing it up some and eventually putting it for sale on Etsy. :)

But, I think that's all I have to post for now. So, until next time!

Monday 6 October 2014

Results and Pumpkins!

So, it's been just over a week since my last post - oops. But, here I am!

I'm sure some of you are wondering how I did in the Amigurumi-Challenge. Well, I didn't get first. I lost to an amazingly done fairy! I'm not complaining, it was so good, they deserved first! However, I did win the random feature draw, so that was pretty cool! My Sudowoodo and three of my other works - chosen at random - where featured in the journal announcing the winner.

Pretty cool, huh? I told you that fairy was amazing.

Anyway, after I finished Sudowoodo, I started working on that project I was talking about, the with fuzzy brown yarn. I got maybe one third of the way finished the body when Amigurumi-Challenge announced it's next theme - PUMPKINS!

So, as I'm sure more of you know by now, I dropped what I was doing, and started working on that. Hehe.

Now, I'm not going to reveal exactly what I'm making, but it's obviously pumpkin themed. ;D And today I realized that I don't have the right colour of brown I need to finish this project. I really don't want to travel all the way to the craft store that I usually go to, not for one ball of yarn. However, there are a couple of stores near me that sell yarn, just not much of it. I might take a gander at those and see what I can find. If nothing, I will have to take the horrible bus ride - it's the only bus in the city I dislike, well, everyone dislikes it, except for the people on it that make it dislikeable.

Oh, I forgot to mention, I also made a hat, but I really like it. I have a stash of Red Heart with Wool that Alex's parents bought be back in Febuary, I haven't really used it. I don't think I like working with it too much. It's soft and everything, but it's..not nice looking when you've finished a project with it. Like, I kind of like the style of the hat - I tried my hand at a cloche - and I like the colour I used, I just don't like the overall finished look. I really think I'm just so used to working with acrylic yarn and tight stitches that doing anything else just doesn't seem right.

But, after a bit of debating, I shall share the hat - just probably won't ever post it to my DeviantArt.

I dunno. Maybe I'm just being picky and critical of myself. But, I don't think I'll be trying to make a hat again any time soon. Now I just need to find something to use up all the wool-like yarn with. I'm sure something will come to me eventually.

Anyway, I should be back within the week with more to post about! Until then!