Tuesday 18 November 2014

Busy busy

So, here I am, posting again after almost three weeks. Things have been so busy for me, and I've just been so darn tired lately.

So, I'm sure you're wondering how went the Amigurumi-Challenge. Not so well. I lost to another Pumpkaboo. Now, normally I'm unaffected by a loss, but this one was a bit ridiculous. I have nothing nice to say at all, so I won't. Just know that I lost.

However, I did come in third in the Knit-and-Crochet contest. Above me was an amazing Leafeon and and a giant crochet Kyogre. You can find them both here: http://brookette.deviantart.com/journal/Pokemon-Contest-Winners-492767444

Moving on.

Shortly after finishing the Pumpkaboo, I finished working on another ! Block. The green one.  Metal Cap.

Just two more to go.

From here, I've had a slight decline in my crafting, I went almost a week or so without really doing anything. I think part of that is because of fatigue. And the fact that I've been so absorbed in reading the Pokemon Adventures manga. It's so damn good. I suggest reading it to anything and everyone.

Sadly, I'm waiting for my order to come in for the Rub and Sapphire arc of the manga, it should be in tomorrow!

In the meantime, I finally decided to purchase one of these niffy things.


I had no idea what I was getting in to when I bought this - on sale, no less! It seems I may have found a new hobby - at least, for over the holidays. I can be cheap and make a lot of people their gifts. Hehe. It's just a bit hard on the hands at times - though, probably because I went a better part of this month not crafting with them. I also think I might go and buy the straight knitting loom set to make scarves with.

Anyway. This is my first attempt at using the knitting loom.

I used the purple ring for this one, thinking that it would be big enough for a child, turns out that it might not even fit a toddler. Well, now I know! (Yes, that is a Darth Vader Pig. I won it in a vending machine ages ago. <3)

For this one I used that stash of Red Heart with Wool that I have - in abundance because Alex's parents bought it for me at the beginning of the year. I double stranded it so that it came out thicker and warmer - these Canadian winters can be quite brutal!

This one I experimented with a little. Remember that cake-like baby blanket I made a while back? Well, this is the left over white from it. I had enough to make a full hat, because I figured I'd try not only double stranding this, but almost folding it in half at the end to make a super thick, warm hat. Except, I ran out of white. I thought it would be big enough to be a hat, but it didn't cover my ears. It would be good for a small child, just too big around. So, I decided, because it's so soft and warm, that I'd make it a neck warmer!

And now, I'm off to make people presents, and use up all that yarn that I really have no use for, as I really prefer just making amigurumi.

I will say this now, there probably isn't a high chance that I'll be updating again this month. With my Pokemon manga coming in, the baby shower being this weekend and the week after that is just so packed with things to do, I'm not sure I'll even have much time for crafting once Saturday hits. X.x

So, until next time!